Outside of the Earthmover logo and tagline, the typeface you put in front of your members says a lot — in fact, it typically does most of the talking. The font you’re reading now represents Earthmover in a non-spoken, almost involuntary way without members even realizing it. And that’s a good thing, because if they’re not realizing it, then we’ve most likely chosen the right font.
When paired with other brand elements such as logos and color, typography allows us to build an atmosphere and create a personality. Typography is an integral component of the brand identity.
The Typeface
Founders Grotesk Medium
Founders Grotesk is a contemporary amalgamation of classic grotesks designed by the Slim Type Foundry out of Wellington, New Zealand. Millar & Richard’s early 20th century Grotesque series provided rudimentary geometry, serpentine curves, and the narrow but welcome aperture of certain forms. Further details were inspired by H. W. Caslon’s Doric series from the same era. These details are coupled with tight spacing strategies from Helvetica’s Halbfett (Medium) headline-sized metal cuts from the late 1950s. Founders Grotesk is not intended as strict revival, it resolves the best details from the last century into a large family designed for modern typography.
If all of that is a bit boring to you, that’s okay! What matters is that the Founders Grotesk font family is the core brand font for Earthmover. On special occasions or unique campaigns, the Earthmover brand can use alternate display fonts for headlines and bold copy, but all supporting copy should remain in the Founders set.
Different Weights
When you have a font family with multiple weights, using them correctly and consistently is important. Different font weights provide different meaning to readers and help give structure and hierarchy to brand pieces. Choosing the correct font size, weight and placement can give the reader a much better experience than when they’re used incorrectly — and good user experience is something we’re very fond of.